Словари 299 ру

«АНГЛО-РУССКИЙ СЛОВАРЬ» (более 50000 слов)

Aa few - abbr, abbrev - abidingly, abidjan - abolition committee, abolitionary - abridged, abridgement - absolute coding, absolute command - abstinence theory, abstinent - academic, academical - accentuality, accentuate - accessoriness, accessory - accomplish, accomplished - accounting practice, accounting price - accumulating, accumulation - ache, acheless - acoustical, acoustically - acrostic, acrostically - actual hours, actual market - adamantine, adamantly - address computation, address field - adhesion, adhesional - adjure, adjust - admirable, admirably - adorer, adorn - advance, advance account - advert, advertence - aerial, aerialist - affable, affably - afford, affordable - aftercare, afterclap - agglomerate, agglomeration - aggressors, aggrieve - agreeableness, agreeably - ahh, ahold - airbrushed, airbrushing - airstream, airstrip - albescent, albinism - alexandrite, alfalfa - aligner, aligning - alleging, allegoric - allocation, allocation map - allying, almamater - alphanumeric terminal, alpine - altruistically, alum - amazingly, amazon - ambuscade, ambush - amino, aminoproteins - amounted, amounting - anachronism, anachronistic - anarchistic, anarchy - anemometer, anemone - angular, angularity - annette, annex - annulling, annulment - antarctica, ante - antialiasing, antiallergic - antidumping code, antielectron - antinomic, antinomical - antisepsis, antiseptic - anyone, anyplace - apendant, apendectomy - aplicable, aplicant - apostrophe, apostrophic - appendixed, apperceive - applique, appliqued - apprized, approach - aprise, aprize - aquiline, aquit - archaic, archaically - archon, archtype - aridly, aries - armful, armhole - array element, array identifier - arterial, arterial road - artwork, arty - ashlar, ashore - aspiration, aspirational - assertion, assertion checker - assimilation, assimilative - assuming, assumpsit - astrobiology, astrodynamic - at hand, at haphazard - atlanta, atlantic - attached, attached device - attract, attractable - auditioning, auditor - auspiciousness, aussie - auto, auto-correlation - automatic line, automatic machine - auxiliary enterprise, auxiliary goods - average payment, average sample - avowedly, avowing - axial, axil.

Bbaba - background region, background task - backwoods, bacon - balalaika, balance - bally, ballyhoo - bank adjuster, bank auditing - bar, bar chart - barley, barmaid - base-ball, baseball - bastard, baste - battlement, battleship - be serious, be slow - beat up, beatific - beef, beef-tea - beholden, behoof - belt, belt printer - bequeathing, bequest - beta test, beta-node - bibliographer, bibliographic - bilateral quotas, bile - binary search, binary semaphore - bioremediation, bioremidial - bit manipulation, bit map - blackmail, blackness - bleat, bleb - block allocation, block buffer - blow, blow up - boatman, boatswain - bombard, bombardier - book keeping, book prices - bootlicker, bootstrap - bothersome, bothway - bowstring, box - branch business, branch companies - break-down, break-even - brewing, brg - bringing, brink - brokerage, brokering - brute, bryn - budgetary estimate, budgetary financing - builky, built - bumpiness, bumpkin - burn, burned - business contractions, business criterion - business transaction, business transfers - buying pattern, buyout - byte-interleaved, byte-serial.

Ccab - cal, calabash - call-office, callable - campari, camper - canny, canoe - capital attrition, capital coefficient - capitalization, capitalization period - carburetter, carburettor - cargo carrier, cargo insurance - carry-over, carrying - cash balance, cash bonuss - cast operator, cast-iron - catch on, catch up - cautious, cautiously - celsius, celt - centralization, centralize - chads, chafe - chancre, chancy - characterization, characterize - cheap, cheap currency - checksumming, checkup - chick, chickadee - chips, chipset - choreographic, choreography - cif, cigar - circulatory, circumcise - civilize, civilized - classroom, classy - cleric, clerical - clog, cloister - clothier, clothing - coacting, coagulant - cockchafer, cocked - coexist, coexistence - cold boot, cold restart - collectivism, collectivize - coloring, colorless - come, come about - commemoration, commemorative - commercialization, commercialize - commodore, common - compacted, compacting - compendium, compensable - compilation, compilation order - complex, complex norm - comprehending, comprehensible - computer generation, computer graphics - conceive, concensus - conciliatory, concinnity - conditional expectation, conditional jump - confide, confidence - confrontational, confuse - conjugation, conjunct - consecution, consecutive - console log, console terminal - constrainedly, constraint - consumer choice, consumer cooperative - contemplation, contemplative - continuous control, continuous development - contradictious, contradictor - control transfer, control unit - conversational, conversational compiler - cook, cookbook - copra, coprimes - corn, cornea - correctable, corrected - coruscate, coruscation - costs inflation, costs item - counter, counter action - counterview, counterweigh - coverlet, covert - craggy, crake - creative, creativity - credo, credulity - crisp, crispy - cropping system, croquet - croupier, crouton - crushed, crushing - cuddle, cudgel - cupping, cupreous - current account, current assets - curtilage, curtsy - customs duties, customs entry - cycler, cyclic - czar, czech.

Ddab - damascus, damask - dark lantern, darken - data integrity, data item - datcha, date - dazzle, dazzled - dealing, deallocate - deblocking, debonair - decanter, decapitate - decimals, decimate - decoded, decoder - decryption, dedicate - defaulting customer, defaultion bonds - deferred payments, deferred shares - deformation, deformed - delay, delayed - delivery period, delivery value - demented, dementia - den, denali - departmental, departmental statisticss - deposition, depositor - dereference, dereferencing - desecration, desegregate - deskside, desktop - detail design, detail file - detritus, detroit - device space, devil - diagnostics, diagonal - dick, dickens - differential rates, differentiate - dike, dilapidated - dining-room, dinner - directed, directed edge - disambigue, disappear - discipline, disciplined - discounted bill, discounted costs - discussed, discussing - disheartening, dishemest - disk pack, disk quota - dispatch advice, dispatched - disposed, disposition - dissidence, dissident - distressed areas, distressed goods - dither, ditto - dizziness, dizzy - doggedness, doggerel - dominant, dominant undertaking - dot chart, dot pattern - dowel, down - draft, draft animal - drawing, drawing office - drinker, drinking - drum storage, drumbeat - dug, dugout - duplex circuit, duplex communication - dwelling unit, dwelt.

Ee-mail - earthly, earthquake - ecliptic, eclogues - economic pattern, economic phenomena - edgewise, edging - effective demand, effective output - egregious, egress - elbow out, elbowroom - electrostatics, electrothermal - elope, eloquence - embezzler, embezzling - emir, emirate - empower, empress - encipher, encipherer - ended, endemic - enfolded, enfolding - engrossing, engulf - ensconce, enscrypt - entity identifier, entity relationship - enumerator, enunciate - epistle, epistolary - equipment industry, equipment investments - ernst, erode - escape key, escape sequence - estimated, estimated contribution - eucalyptus, eucharist - evaporate, evaporated - evoke, evoked - exception, exception condition - excitement, exciting - executive development, executive directive - exhume, exhusband - expansionist, expansive - experimental, experimental data - export bonuss, export bounty - expressiveness, expressly - external audit, external auditors - extractable, extracted - eyelid, eyepiece.

Ffa - factor demand, factor earnings - failed, failproof - fallback, fallen - fanfare, fanfold - farm surpluses, farm surpluss - father-in-law, fatherhood - feat, feather - feedthrough, feel - ferroelectric, ferrography - fibber, fiber - fight, fighter - fillet, filling station - financial pressure, financial rating - finishing, finite - firmware, first - fit up, fitch - flabbergast, flabbergasted - flat addressing, flat charge - fleshy, flex - floodwaters, floor - flowline, flu - fm, fmc - food, food assistance - foppish, for - forecasting methods, forecastle - forestall, forester - formerly, formic - forwarding agent, forwarding business - fragmentary, fragmentary information - fredonia, free - frequent, frequentative - fritter away, frivolity - fuchsin, fuchsine - functional services, functional specialization - furthest, furtive.

Jjab - jawbone, jay - jingle, jinks - jobbing plant, jobbing shop - jolt, jordan - jumble, jumble-sale.

Hhaberdasher - hairdo, hairdresser - halting, halucinate - handling, handling agent - happy, harangue - hardware interrupt, hardware multiplication - hashing algorithm, hashing function - hay fever, haycock - headset, headstand - heartsick, heartwarming - hedging patents, hedonism - hemoglobin, hemolytic - heretic, heretical - hi res, hiatis - high office, high power - hilly, hilt - historical costs, historical data - hold good, hold off - home-made, home-work - honeyed, honeymoon - horizontal expansion, horizontal integration - hose, hosiery - house, house day - hovercraft, how - humble-bee, humbug - hurry, hurt - hymen, hymn.

Ii - identification, identification mark - igneous, ignite - illustrious, im balance - immediate possession, immediate-action - impassive, impatience - implacable, implant - import restrictions, import substitution - imprison, improbable - in earnest, in effect - inalienable, inane - incident, incidental - incommensurability, incommensurable - inconvertible, inconvincible - incumbency, incumbent - index, index construction - indiscrimination, indispensable - industrial injurys, industrial licensing - infect, infected - inflation-adjusted, inflationary gap - infrastructure, infrequent - initial expenses, initial fee - inner loop, innermost - input-output, inputting - insistence, insistent - instinct, instinctive - insulted, insulting - integrated system, integrating - interactive utility, interactively - interface, interface board - intermediate transactions, intermediate uses - international engagement, international entity - interproximally, interquartile - intervention price, interview - intro, introduce - inventory accumulation, inventory accumulations - investment building, investment business - invite, invite bid - iron, iron-hearted - isomorphism, isotope.

Jjab - jawbone, jay - jingle, jinks - jobbing plant, jobbing shop - jolt, jordan - jumble, jumble-sale.

Kkabobalating - kettle, kettledrum - kidnapped, kidnapping - kinglet, kingly - knock about, knock down - kurd, kurdish.

Llab - labour requirements, labour saving - laggard, lagged variables - land register, land rentals - lapsus, laptop - lateral, lateral discharge - lawful, lawfully - leads, leaf - leavenworth, leaves - legislation, legislative - leprosy, lesbian - levity, levy - license, license agreement - lifeguard, lifelength - likelihood, likely - line number, line printer - linked list, linked subroutine - lissome, list - live out, live stock - loan participation, loan policy - locator, loci - logging out, logic - long-distance, long-suffering - loose plan, loose standard - love-affair, loved - lull, lullaby - lying-in, lymph.

Mmacabre - macro definition, macro economic - magnate, magnesia - mailman, maim - majordomo, majority - malevolent, malfeasance - management engineering, management expenses - manhole, manhood - mantel, mantilla - marble, march - marital status, maritime - market supply, market survey - marrow, marry - masseur, massive - material handling, material incentive - matron, matted - meager, meal - mechanical engineering, mechanical shop - medulla, medusa - memorial, memorialize - mentality, mentally - merganser, merge - metacrilate, metadata - methodical, methodics - microeconomic analysis, microelectronics - midst, midstate - mill construction, mill hand - mineral deposit, mineral oil - minority interest, minority ownership - miscellaneous income, miscellaneous manufacturing - misquote, misread - mitosis, mitre - model project, model-building - mohawk, moire - monetary aggregates, monetary area - money velocity, money wage - mononucleosis, monooxidases - moonlight, moonstone - mortality tables, mortally - motherless, motherly - mousse, moustache - mudguard, mudslide - multifunction, multifunction board - multiplex channel, multiplexed - multivalence, multivalued - mush, mushroom - muzhik, muzzle.

Nna - narrowness, narwhal - natural increase, natural indices - neanderthal, near - negative growth, negative investment - neologism, neon - net salary, net sale - nevertheless, new - nickname, nicotine - nit, niter - noisy, nomad - non-transferrable, non-union - nonexistence, nonexistent - nonsignificant, nonsignificant digit - northerner, northernmost - notepaper, notes - noxious, nozzle - numerical methods, numerical table.

Ooaf - obligatory, oblige - obstruction, obstructionism - ocean economy, oceanographer - of old, off duty - official channel, official data - oilspill, oily - omnivorous, on - onion, onlooker - opener, opening - operator error, operetta - optimum production, option - orderly, ordinal - oriole, orion - ossify, ostensible - outdrink, outer - output parameter, output primitive - outwit, ouzel - overdraft facilities, overdraft facilitys - overheat, overheated - overrelaxation, override - overweening, overweight - oy, oyster.

Ppa - packetize, packhorse - paid leave, paid vacation - paleocene, paleogene - palpitate, palpitation - panicky, panicle - paperboard, paperclip - parallel computer, parallel interface - parasympathetic, parathyroid - parity bit, parity check - parsley, parsnip - partnership agreement, partridge - passiveness, passivism - patagonia, patch - paternity, paternoster - patronage, patroness - pay load, pay master - peacefulness, peacekeeper - pecuniary loss, pecuniary payment - peer at, peerage - penalization, penalize - penniless, pennilessness - peppermint, peppery - percolate, percolated - performance rating, performance specification - peripheral unit, peripherally - permeate, permeation - perplexity, perquisite - personalized, personally - perturbation, pertussis - petiole, petit - pew, pewit - phasic, phasing - philosophy, philter - photocell, photoconductor - photovoltaics, phrasal - physiotherapist, physiotherapy - picot, pictograph - piggy, piggyback - pilot, pilot area - pinocchio, pinochle - pisces, pismire - pixie, pixy - plaintext, plaintiff - planning system, plano - platinum, platitude - plead guilty, pleaded - plenty, plenty of - plugged, plugging - poached egg, poacher - poise, poised - policyholder, policymaker - pollutant, pollute - polymerization, polymerize - pontiff, pontiffical - populate, populated - port facilitys, port handling - poshness, posit - postcard, postcondition - posy, pot - pottery, potting - powerless, powerless plant - praseodymium, prat - preciosity, precious - predestine, predetermination - prefatorily, prefatory - prehob, prehypnotic - prepackaged goods, prepaid - prescience, prescient - presser, pressing - pretoria, prettification - price differentials, price discrimination - priggishly, priggishness - prime rates, primer - prior to, prioress - private necessities, private property - probable, probably - process image, process industries - proctorial, proctoscope - production, production activity - productivity wage, prof - profit tax, profit-sharing - program scheduler, program segment - project specification, project specifications - promise, promised - proofless, proofread - propinquity, propitiate - prosecutable, prosecute - protecting, protection - protractile, protraction - provisions, provisions drawback - psalmist, psalmody - psychosis, psychosocial - public prosecutor, public purse - pug, pug-dog - pulverizing, puma - punt, puny - purging, purification - push, push-button - putt, puttee.

Qqatar - qualification, qualified - quantitative measures, quantitative restrictions - quatrefoil, quaver - quick, quick assets - quintupled, quintuplet - quoter, quoth.

Rrabbet - radar, radar set - radiotherapy, radish - raincoat, raindrop - ramify, ramifying - range sensing, rangeland - rapturous, rare - ratesetting, rather - ravaged, ravaging - read time, read-only - realize, realized - rebating, rebel - receiving act, receiving state - reclaiming, reclamation - reconverge, reconvergent - recto, rector - reddishness, redeclaration - reduction, reduction coefficient - reference price, reference retrieval - reformed, reformer - regardless, regardless of - regretful, regretfully - reimbursed, reimbursement - relational language, relational operator - relief cat, relief fund - remedial maintenance, remediation - remover, removing - renter, renting - repercussion, reperforator - represent, representation - repugnance, repugnant - research grant, research project - resident, resident abroad - resound, resounding - resting, restitution - retail sales, retail store - retrace, retracing - reuter, revalorization - reviewing, revile - rhinelander, rhinestone - rift, rig - ripped, ripping - roasting, rob - roll-in, roll-out - root out, root segment - roughen, roughly - rowanberry, rowboat - ruff, ruffian - run time, run to - russification, russify.

Ssabbatarian - sacroiliac, sacrosanct - safety margin, safety specifications - salaciousness, salacity - salesmanager, salesmanlike - salutary, salutation - samson, samurai - sandpit, sandra - sapper, sapphire - satanically, satchel - saturn, saturnine - savings deposit, savings institutions - scabbily, scabbiness - scamp, scamper - scarcely, scarceness - scene, scene analysis - schizophrenic, schlepp - science, scientific - scoop, scoot - scoundrel, scour - scrappy, scraps - scrim, scrimmage - scrupulousness, scruting - sdcl, sdr - search area, search attribute - seat, seatbelt - secrecy, secret - securely, securement - sedulousness, see - segregation, segregationist - selective dump, selective trace - selfsame, selfserving - semiautomatic, semiautonomous - seminally, seminar - semiweekly, semiyearly - sensitive, sensitive goods - separability, separable - sequential file, sequential queue - serial interface, serial number - server, service - servodriven, servomechanism - setups, seven - sexology, sexpot - shaggily, shagginess - shamming, shampoo - sharkskin, sharp - sheave, shebang - shelter, shelterbelt - shiftiness, shifting - shipborne, shipbuilder - shithead, shitless - shop, shop around - short loan, short ton - shove, shovel - shrimp, shrimped - shutterbug, shuttle - side effect, side with - sidewinder, sidewise - signaller, signalling - silhouette, silhouetted - similarity, similarly - simulationist, simulative - single-track, single-user - sioux, sip - situational, situations - skeptical, skeptically - skimmed, skimmer - skunked, skunking - slaking, slalom - slavegirl, slaveowner - sleepy, sleepyhead - slights, slim - slog, slogan - slowing, slowing down - slushing, slushy - smattering, smaze - smoked, smokehouse - smuttiness, smutty - sneaky, sneer - snooker, snoop - snowplough, snowplow - soapwort, soapy - social wealth, social welfare - soda, soda-fountain - softly, softness - sole agency, sole corporation - soliloquy, soling - somerset, something - sons, sony - sordid, sordidly - soulfully, soulfulness - sourpuss, sours - sox, soy - spanking, spanned - spastics, spat - spec, special - speckle, speckled - speeding, speedometer - spheroidal, spherule - spiky, spile - spiralled, spiralling - spitted, spitter - splinting, split - spooled print, spooling - sprayed, sprayer - spuds, spume - squareness, squarer - squints, squinty - stack pointer, stack underflow - stair, staircase - stance, stanch - standby capacityies, standby credit - starch, starched - startover, starts - static model, static scope - statocyst, statolith - steal, stealer - steerable, steerage - stephen, stepladder - sterilized, sterilizer - stiches, stick - stillwater, stilt - stirps, stirred - stockinet, stockinets - stoniness, stony - storage structure, storage transport - straddler, straddling - strangeways, strangle - streak, streaked - strickenly, strict - stripped, stripper - structural engineering, structural industries - studied, studiedly - stupified, stupifying - suasible, suasion - subcircuit, subcivilization - subdual, subdue - subjugating, subjugation - submerge, submerged - suborning, suboxide - subseries, subserve - substantiation, substantival - subtotaling, subtotalled - successor, succinct - sufficient, sufficient disclosure - suites, suiting - summary, summary data - sundance, sunday - superannuated, superannuation fund - superintendence, superintendency - supertanker, supertype - supply bottleneck, supply constraint - surcease, surceases - surmountable, surmullet - surveilling, survey - sustain able, sustain employment - swampy, swan - sweep, sweep representation - swindled, swindler - swordsman, swore - sympathetically, sympathies - synergistically, synergy - system administrator, system analysis.

Ttab - tackle, tacky - take, take aboard - talked, talker - tangentially, tangerine - tape drive, tape file - tariff, tariff adjustments - task work, task worker - tawdriness, tawdry - taxonomist, taxonomy - technical assistance, technical assistants - teens, teeny - telephonic, telephonist - temperature, tempest - tender, tender invitation - tentful, tenth - terminologist, terminology - tertiary, tessellate - tetrahedrite, tetrahedron - the cloth, the dead - theoretical economics, theoretical economist - thermoelement, thermography - think, thinkable - thoughtfully, thoughtfulness - thriftless, thrifty - thuggery, thulium - tick, tick off - tighten, tighter - time slicing, time stamp - tinfoil, tinge - titillatingly, titillation - toehold, toenail - toll-bar, toll-gate - too, tool - topographer, topographic - torsion, torsional - toted, totem - towering, toweringly - track address, track ball - trade year, trade-mark - trailor, train - transaction record, transactional - transfigure, transfission - translatable, translate - transparent interface, transparent language - trapper, trapping - treasuries, treasury - trenchantly, trenched - trichloroethylene, trichloroflouromethane - trillionth, trillium - tristable, tristate - troopship, trop - trucked, trucker - trusthouse, trustor - tucker, tue - tuneless, tunelessly - turkish, turmeric - tusker, tussive - twiner, twinge - typematic, typer.

Uuaa - ultimate costs, ultimate output - unable, unabridged - unallocated inputs, unallowable - unascertained, unasked - unbar, unbearable - unbound, unbound variable - unchecked language, uncheerful - unconcernedly, unconditional - uncritically, uncrossed - underbade, underbar - underload, underlying - understandingly, understate - undignified, undimmed - unedited, uneducated - unexceptionable, unexceptional - unfitness, unfix - ungrudging, unguarded - unification, unified - unintelligibly, unintended - uniting, unitized - unlawfully, unlawfulness - unmeaning, unmeant - unpacked decimal, unpacking - unprofessional, unprofitable - unremarkable, unremitting - unscrupulously, unseal - unspeakable, unspeakably - untenable, untestable - unwarranted, unwary - upcoming, update - upside down, upsilon - urination, urine - user mode, user node - uttermost, uvula.

Vvacancy - valetudinarian, valetudinarianism - vanquish, vantage - varnish, varnished - venal, vend - verbalize, verbally - vertebrate, vertex - vibrator, vibratory - vigil, vigilance - virago, viral - visible stocks, visible supply - vocate, vocation - volume label, volume price - vulture, vulturine.

Wwackiness - wage-labour, wage-slavery - waited, waiter - walloon, wallop - warehouse, warehouse bond - warrant, warrantable - waste coefficient, waste money - watercourse, watercraft - waver, wavered - weaned, weaning - webfoot, webfooted - weighted mean, weighted sampling - wellborn, wellhead - whale, whaleboat - wherein, whereof - whipper, whippersnapper - whitespace, whitewash - whooping, whooping-cough - width, wield - willpower, wilt - windscreen, windshield - winterkill, wintertime - wish, wish ill - without parallel, withstand - woman student, womanhood - woodnote, woodpecker - work allocation, work area - working place, working population - wormy, worn - wrap-around, wraparound - writeoffs, writer.


Yyacht - yearling, yearlong - yoked, yokel.

Zzabaglione - zeros, zest - zoning, zonked.


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